Résultats d'expositions
1ère excellente
5/11/2011 - Metz Exposition canine
Juge : Calloc'h (F)
2ème Excellent
Faston dit starsky des Espoirs de Wallieux
5/11/2011 - Metz Exposition canine
Juge : Calloc'h (F)
2ème Excellent
Fight club des Espoirs de Wallieux
2/10/2011 - Avignon Exposition canine
Juge : Corbinus (F)
1ère Très Prometteur
25/9/2011 - Sadroc Régionale d'Elevage
Juge : Liz Stanway (UK)
White, attractive expression, a little heavy in lips. Straight well boned front. enough bend of stifle, level topline. Moved ok.
1ère Très Prometteur et Meilleur Puppy
Galaxy quest dite lexie des Espoirs de Wallieux
25/9/2011 - Sadroc Régionale d'Elevage
Juge : Liz Stanway (UK)
Lovely Black Brindle, white chest. Lovely head and expression, thin neat ears, dark round eyes, clean lips, nice short body, good rear angulation for age. 3 months. Moved well.
4ème Très Bon
kanock Pit pistol
25/9/2011 - Sadroc Régionale d'Elevage
Juge : Liz Stanway (UK)
Brindle, White Chest, dark round eyes, nice shaped head with nice expression, clean lips, straight front, good rear angulation. Movement could be better.
1ère Très Prometteur
11/9/2011 - La Flèche Régionale d'Elevage
Juge : Dr Sarah Hemstock (Uk)
Good head and expression. Large ears. dark eyes. Good construction. Brisket needs to be developped. Straight front. Good bones. Moves ok for age. slighty close behind. Should improve with maturity.
1ère Très Prometteur
28/8/2011 - Saint Martin d'Estreaux Régionale d'Elevage
Juge : Dave Lee (UK)
Strong head, dark round eyes. ears ok, good mouth, straight front. good hindquarters. Mouvement well.
Existenz des Espoirs de Wallieux
28/8/2011 - Saint Martin d'Estreaux Régionale d'Elevage
Juge : Dave Lee (UK)
Good head, dark eyes, ears ok, clean muzzle. Denture fault. front ok. hindquarters ok. not so positive in rear movement.
2ème Excellente
Existenz des Espoirs de Wallieux
19/6/2011 - Semur en Auxois Exposition canine
Juge : Alan Hedges (UK)
Good bitch in quite good order. Attractive head with strong muzzle + dark eyes. Lots of bone + front ok. Good body and h/quarters. Moved ok.
Existenz des Espoirs de Wallieux
18/6/2011 - Semur en Auxois Exposition canine
Juge : Helen Reaney (UK)
Good ears. Excellent head + muzzle giving feminine expression. Nick straight front. Level topline. Shown in excellent condition.
4ème Excellent
kanock Pit pistol
18/6/2011 - Semur en Auxois Exposition canine
Juge : Alan Hedges (UK)
4ème Excellente
Existenz des Espoirs de Wallieux
20/2/2011 - Bourges Exposition canine
Juge : Brett Lay (UK)
Good head. Good length of muzzle. Good underjaw. Good ear carriage. Dark eyes. Good front. Level topline. Good tail carriage.
kanock Pit pistol
20/2/2011 - Bourges Exposition canine
Juge : Brett Lay (UK)
Good head. Dark eyes. Good ears. Good length of muzzle. Strong underjaw. Good front. Level topline. Good rear end. Good understifle.